Hey, a popular question we get at ARV is “Why should I pick a Class B motorhome”? Well, let’s start with another question: why do I pick a motorhome at all? If I’m going to be staying in one place for a long period of time, it makes a lot of sense to purchase a trailer, a fifth wheel, a truck camper, or even bring a tent, so that the cost per square foot of living area is the lowest it can be with any of these options. If you can stay in one place or if that’s your preferred way of travel, a motorhome might not be a good use of funds or a good investment. If you decide you want a motorhome because you want to move more frequently, or you wanna have a little more flexibility, and not have quite so much challenge hooking and unhooking and setting up, then a motorhome might be a better option.
There are huge motorhomes from 45 feet, or maybe more, down to 19 feet. The class B is at the low end of this, from 19 to 25 feet long. Class B basically fits into the “van” category. In other words, it’s as wide as a pickup truck and as long as a pickup truck. Class B+s and Class Cs are both wider so you don’t have as much clearance on either side. They are also blatantly a motorhome. Class B can be very stealthy in terms of disguise and going incognito.
When we talk about Class B, what are the things that make it attractive and what are the things that could make it eliminated from your choices? If you have 2 people traveling, most of the time a class B could be perfect. Occasionally, you can accommodate 3 or 4 people in a class B, but 2 people is probably where you want to set the limit. A Class B motorhome is the smallest you could fit a queen-sized bed, a refrigerator, a flush toilet, a heater, all-season use–there are a lot of things a Class B can offer.
The other thing a Class B can offer is that it can function as your runaround vehicle as well as your camping vehicle. With a Class B, you have the flexibility of staying almost anywhere: campgrounds, off-roads, municipal lots, Walmarts, the list goes on. In terms of efficiency, Class B motorhomes are probably the most efficient and the one we use, the Sprinter, has the new bi-turbo four-cylinder with nine-speed transmission and gets 20+ miles per gallon.
There’s a feeling we get with our Class B RV that we never had when we rented a Class A and used other motorhomes. That feeling…just having the motorhome in the driveway and we could run away anytime and turn down any road and feel secure, have all of our stuff, go exploring…there’s a huge freedom around that. I hope this helps you make a decision, get in touch with us if we can help any further.
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